What days do children attend?

Banyo Kindergarten caters for two groups of children aged between 3.5 – 4.5 years.
Each group attends for a five day fortnight:

  • Group A – Monday / Tuesday / alternate Wednesdays
  • Group B – alternate Wednesdays / Thursday / Friday
What age should my child attend kindergarten?

Generally, your child should be turning 4 years old by 30 June. Although sometimes older and younger children are accepted.

What hours do children attend?

Kindy hours are 8.30am to 2.40pm.  We are unable to offer before or after kindy care.

How many children will be in my child’s class?

Each group has a maximum of 22 children.  The ratio of 2 educators to 22 children is always maintained.

When can I expect to be offered a place?

Enrolment offers are made in Term 2 of the year before the child is due to start. You will be contacted via phone and email.

What if my child is due to come to kindy but I want him/her to go the following year because he/she is not ready yet.  Is this possible?

Yes, you are able to delay your child’s entry to kindy providing that it gets approved.  Please speak to our Director/Teacher regarding the process for delayed entry to kindy.

What if my child is not ready for Prep after their year at Kindy?

If you and/or the kindy Director/Teacher do not believe your child is ready to move onto Prep at the end of their kindy year, delayed exit from kindy can be applied for, and your child may do a second year at kindy.  Please speak to our Director/Teacher regarding the process for delayed exit from kindy.