Banyo Kindergarten, as an affiliate with C&K, is managed each year by the Management Committee and supported by all parents. This means, in order for our kindergarten to be able to offer your child the best possible kindergarten experience, parent participation throughout the year is vital!

We value your participation and encourage you to become involved. Becoming involved has benefits for you and your child as you share in the life of your child’s kindy. A C&K experience provides you with numerous opportunities to be actively involved in your child’s learning.

You can become involved on a variety of levels:

  • spending a day with us on parent roster
  • helping out at working bees
  • sharing a skill or interest (cooking, yoga, music, gardening)
  • contributing ideas or suggestions verbally or in written form
  • attending parent meetings and social functions
  • helping with clean-up at the end of the year

Getting involved, to whatever extent and in any particular capacity, can be a very rewarding experience. Support and effort from all families is valued and essential in the running of our kindergarten.