Not for profit community kindergartens, like Banyo Kindergarten, rely on the help we receive from our families. We have a highly skilled, and extremely dedicated team of Educators, however they cannot run the kindergarten alone!

Instead, our kindergarten is operated by a committee of volunteer parents, called the Management Committee. The Management committee work alongside our dedicated Educators to ensure the obligations of the kindergarten are met. This promotes a huge sense of community amongst the kindergarten families and staff. Without the parental support of the Management Committee, the Kindergarten will not run!


Why should I join?

We understand that everyone leads busy lives, and that being involved in the committee can be challenging at times (juggling the responsibilities of parenting, work commitments and volunteering can be hard!). However, those involved in our committee report the experience to be very rewarding.

Some benefits to joining the Management Committee are:

  • The committee allows you to have a say and be involved in the collaborative running of the kindergarten.
  • It’s a terrific way to get to know other families and parents, from across both Kindergarten groups (A and B).
  • It can be a valuable learning experience and help you to develop new skills.
  • It can provide you with the opportunity to practice skills which you may already use in other areas of their lives.

Supportive parents, great teachers and a fantastic community spirit at Banyo Kindergarten help make this kindy the success it is. Being on the committee gives you the opportunity to experience a bigger, better and more enriching kindy year – for both you and your child!

What are the Requirements?

All committee members are required to hold a blue card or exemption card, PRIOR to beginning their role

If you are nominating for a committee position, you will need to ideally hold a blue card, or have already applied for a blue card, prior to the February AGM.

Please access the application form for a blue card here and contact the centre via email for any assistance. There is no personal cost associated with the application, this is covered by the Kindy.

Read on for more information on committee positions